Takashi Kokubo / 小久保隆


Takashi Kokubo Profile

Takashi Kokubo’s fame as an acoustic environment designer is known through examples such as the earthquake warning buzzer for mobile phones, the sign tone for iD e-money, and the initial melody call tone for DoCoMo.
He was also involved in the ambient music for the Roppongi Hills Arena, and the acoustic environment design and time signal music in the Queen’s Square Yokohama Mall. In recent years he has worked on the attention sound in Fukuoka Canal City, and the introductory music for the Exile Special Mapping Show.
Renewed interest worldwide in Japanese ambient music of the 1980s has led to offers to re-release his works from the UK, Switzerland, and Denmark. A US compilation album containing tracks by Kokubo called Kankyo Ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980-1990 was nominated for the 2020 Grammy Awards (best historical album category).

小久保隆 プロフィール

「六本木ヒルズ アリーナ」の環境音楽や、「クイーンズスクエア横浜」モール内の音環境デザインと時報音楽、東京都渋谷駅前「ハチ公ファミリー」の時報音楽なども手がて来た。

小久保隆 動画一覧
TRENDY Creator Management